Polemarch's Message

Welcome to the virtual-home of the Decatur Alumni Chapter (DAC) of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. We are honored that you have taken the opportunity to visit our website.
Decatur Alumni is comprised of some of the world’s most accomplished men in their respective area of occupations, area of volunteerism, and service. I am truly humbled to serve as their Polemarch.
DAC is home to Brothers who love and live our motto, “Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor.”
Our chapter serves the greater Decatur community of DeKalb County Georgia, east of Atlanta. Some of our annual activities, community involvement and initiatives include:
"Operation Back to School", where we provide 400+ Book Bags and school supplies
Halloween Fun Night for the Mark Trail Community held at the N. H. Scott Recreation Center
Donating 250 Thanksgiving & 250 Christmas Meals for families throughout DeKalb County
Mentoring young men through our Guide Right Program
Kotton Club
Kappa Derby
Partnering with KAPsi Foundation for its annual Golf Tournament
Partner with "Men Stopping Violence" to help end violence against women
The Decatur Alumni Chapter, through the KAPsi Foundation, provides philanthropic support and scholarships to graduating seniors throughout the DeKalb County. Additionally, we are proud partners with the DeKalb County Government to operate the Community Achievement Center which provides programs and services to the residents of South DeKalb County.
Through embracing the Brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi, partnering with the community and serving the objectives of our community and its leaders, Decatur Alumni is "Raising The Bar and Committed To Excellence.”
Noble Brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi, with proper identification, are invited to participate in all our fraternal meetings and events. Chapter meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month, except July and August, at the Community Achievement Center (CAC) in Decatur: 4522 Flat Shoals Pkwy., Decatur, GA 30034
To request information on how to become a member of Decatur Alumni Chapter, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., please use the "Contact Us" tab on the menu bar.
Best regards,
Darrell Taylor